For the most accurate results, have someone else measure you. Also, make sure the tape measure is held snugly and firmly (not tightly) against your body and is always parallel to the floor for circumference measurements. Remember to wear proper undergarments. Please note that all measurement chart in centimetres(cm).
Wrap the tape measure around the body under the armpit and over the scapula or shoulder blades at the back and back to the front of the bust line. Make sure that the ends meet and measure the tape measure where it has landed over the other end.
Wrap the tape measure around your stomach, across your belly button. The tape measure should rest gently on your skin.
Locate the correct area of your hips- the widest point around your buttocks. Hold the start of the tape measure on one hip, wrap it around your buttocks and around your other hip and then back to where you started.
Standing with feet shoulder width apart, wrap the measuring tape around the thigh, where the bottom of your hip meets the top of your thighs. Make sure to keep the tape snug, but not tight, and ensure that the the tape measure is level from front to back.
Wrap the tape measure around the body under the armpit and over the scapula or shoulder blades at the back and back to the front of the bust line. Make sure that the ends meet and measure the tape measure where it has landed over the other end.
Wrap the tape measure around your stomach, across your belly button. The tape measure should rest gently on your skin.
Locate the correct area of your hips- the widest point around your buttocks. Hold the start of the tape measure on one hip, wrap it around your buttocks and around your other hip and then back to where you started.
Standing with feet shoulder width apart, wrap the measuring tape around the thigh, where the bottom of your hip meets the top of your thighs. Make sure to keep the tape snug, but not tight, and ensure that the the tape measure is level from front to back.